Big caveat here on this week’s third and final entry into this first session of World Film Project. Yes, I’m very aware A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night was shot in California by UK born director Ana Lily Amirpour (who IS of Iranian descent). HOWEVER, please listen in and hear why I am vouching for this film to qualify for the Wolf Film Project.
Sharareh and I are both big fans of this little Leone-Western inspired vampire film. And every time I return to it, Amirpour’s film becomes even more spectacular. A fun behind the scenes tid bit, back in February when Sharareh guest for Persepolis, it was between that film and A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night to discuss. At the time, I pitched her this idea and we agreed to include this film as a part of this series and hold off.
Now we are here. There is SO MUCH to digest in this one, and it’s a hell of a way to close out this inaugural run for the little international series we plan to return to time and time again. A special thanks to Sharareh for taking on a 3 week stint on the show, its been a big win. And I look forward to her next time on the show as well as when whenever it is we pick up for a second World Film Project.
0:06:47 – A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night Discussion
0:67:58 – What Else
The Brandon Peters Show will return on 8/18 with Old Teen Show.
Brandon – Shure SM58-LC
Sharareh – Laptop Microphone (Recorded with Zoom)
Post Production
NCH Wavepad Masters Edition v8.38
NCH MixPad Masters v5.22
The Levelator 2
RUNTIME: 88 minutes