Ask and you shall receive! During Old Teen Show: The Heights, listeners made it clear they would like to see Jessica Alsman and I discussing more vintage commercials with regularity. In October, we gave it a spin and we had a load of fun. So here we are, back doing some Christmas themed commercials.
Yes, it’s limited to Christmas, no Hanukkah or other holidays around this time of year. The reels on YouTube were very catered to one or the other. And this particular one wound up having a lot of food advertisements. But, I guess that fits.
Enjoy! What kind of other focused commercial reels would you want us to look at in the future?
The Brandon Peters Show will return Wednesday (12/8) with Old Space Show.
Brandon – Shure SM58-LC
Jessica – Unknown Microphone (Recorded with Zoom)
Post Production
NCH Wavepad Masters Edition v8.38
NCH MixPad Masters v5.22
The Levelator 2
RUNTIME: 62 min
WATCH The Commercial Reel