I’ve been meaning to have Katie Rife from The A.V. Club onto the show since it started, but alas here we are, half a year into this and BAM – she has arrived. And with an absolutely delicious pick of a movie to boot. Though, I had no doubt in her picking something to bring to the table.
I met Katie when she interviewed me for a feature article for The A.V. Club on Halloween one year about the home video history of the original John Carpenter classic. I had just a few weeks prior published an extensive history on the series home video history as a whole which led her my way. It was a complete honor to do that, but the best part was meeting Katie.
She and I share a lot of common tastes in horror and cinematic oddities, and I love sharing the love of these but also taking down her recommendations and tossing a few her way as well. What I like about Katie is her truly honest approach as she’s not going to bullshit you and isn’t going to fake knowledge or experience if she doesn’t doesn’t have it (A rare trait in the field, truly).
Lady Snowblood is a fantastic pick and coming from Katie really culminates in what I hope to explore and display with every episode of the show. Not only is it an uncommon favorite, but it’s also one that really helped pave a path for her in her career. We have a lot of fun talking about a great many things in this episode and I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it a lot (As you do every week!).
0:00:51 – Katie Rife Interview
0:24:46 – Lady Snowblood Discussion
1:00:36 – What Else
The Brandon Peters Show will return tomorrow 2/16 with the Out Now Commentary for The Silence of the Lambs (1991).
Technical Information
Brandon – Shure SM58-LC
Katie -Laptop mic (Recorded with Zoom and amplified)
Post Production
NCH Wavepad Masters Edition v8.38
NCH MixPad Masters v5.22
The Levelator 2
RUNTIME: 77 minutes
Lady Snowblood is available on Blu-ray and DVD. It is currently streaming on HBO MAX and The Criterion Channel. You can rent or own it digitally on Amazon, YouTube and AppleTV.