With the release of Scream IV coming in March, Jessica Alsman and Greg McGoon join me for a film by film/episode by episode look back at the Scream franchise. We will be covering the first 5 films leading up to our review of the latest film in March.
Now we move forward 11 years to talk Scream 4. A film that has risen in favor with many over the previous decade. We dissect what works, what doesn’t and our overall enjoyment on this entry that also doubled as the final film of the dear beloved horror master Wes Craven.
The Brandon Peters Show will return Wednesday (3/1) with Old Space Show
Brandon – Shure SM58-LC
Jessica – Unknown Microphone (Recorded with Zoom)
Greg – Laptop Microphone (Recorded with Zoom)
Post Production
NCH Wavepad Masters Edition v8.38
NCH MixPad Masters v5.22
The Levelator 2
RUNTIME: 78 minutes
Scream 4 is available on DVD and Blu-ray. It is available for digital rental and purchase on all major platforms. Currently, it is streaming on Netflix.