If you’ve been following my podcasting adventures, you’ll know I’ve done this movie before as an episode of my previous podcast. Well, in order to get your ready for next week when I discuss the brand new sequel, I thought it would be best to refresh on WNUF Halloween Special and introduce Jessica and you the listener to it.

This film hits me in a very specific nostalgic pinch and I’ve adored it since I first took it in. The film has become a traditional watch for me and I’ve wanted to learn everything I can about it and have watched my Vinegar Syndrome partner label Blu-ray of it up and down. Frank Stewart rules.

The content not only fits the commercials segment that Jessica and I do, but also the Satanic Panic stuff Troy and I do. He’ll be on to talk about the sequel next week. He and I discussed it back on my old show which you can seek out on the pod streams. I had a great time revisiting this and I hope you did too or loved discovering it for the first time.


The Brandon Peters Show will return Wednesday (10/26) with Old Space Show

Brandon – Shure SM58-LC
Jessica – Unknown Microphone (Recorded with Zoom)

Post Production
NCH Wavepad Masters Edition v8.38
NCH MixPad Masters v5.22
The Levelator 2

RUNTIME: 70 minutes

WNUF Halloween Special is available on DVD & Blu-ray. It is currently not available on streaming or digital purchase/rental platforms.

Brandon Peters

Brandon Peters

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The Brandon Peters Show is a new podcast that will have a variety of content with discussions of film, television, music, interviews, debates, comedy, etc.

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