From week 1 to week 2 of The Colin Baker Era, Year One, we jump seasons as we now begin Season 22. Doctor Who changed its format to 2-part 45 minute serials instead of the traditional 4-part 24 minute structure. Showrunner John Nathan Turner also opted for a darker tone as well. “Attack of the Cybermen” kicks off with a story deeply implanted with Doctor Who knowledge & lore that wasn’t easily known or accessible at the time.
Rachel Frend from the The Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast and the Gold Standard – Oscars Podcast is the Companion for Doctor Who: The Colin Baker Era.
The Brandon Peters Show will return Friday (2/12) to close with a song.
Technical Information
Brandon – Shure SM58-LC
Rachel -Unknown Headset (ZOOM recorded audio)
Post Production
NCH Wavepad Masters Edition v8.38
NCH MixPad Masters v5.22
The Levelator 2
RUNTIME: 27 minutes
If you’re wanting to watch along (as of this posting), Doctor Who: The Twin Dilemma is available on DVD. You can purchase it digitally on Amazon. It is currently streaming on Brittbox and Pluto TV