Onto the 2nd day of my PopCon Indy 2024 recordings.
You know the drill on this one. Jessica. Patches. Me. Old Trivial Pursuit. This time they pick between the 2 old versions we’ve used before.
This time, Patches gets a little crazy with the contestant picking and finds some voices familiar to Jessica and I. The tables turn on him when he tries to play the game himself.
Special shout outs to Megan Splichal from Anime Crossroads and Championship Darts CEO Peter Citera for stopping in and playing the game!
The Brandon Peters Show will tomorrow with “Poorly Described Movies: The Game” with Chris Johnson of The Normies!
Brandon – Pyle PDMIC58
Jessica – Pyle PDMIC58
Patches – Pyle PDMIC58
Post Production
NCH Wavepad Masters Edition v8.38
NCH MixPad Masters v5.22
The Levelator 2
RUNTIME: 79 minutes